Category: Video
Anti-Fashion Show (2023) by Panos, Ema, Marianna and Nik. We marched in protest against the fast fashion industry by creating an anti-fashion show. November is a time of overconsumption; holiday shopping and Black Friday send huge numbers of people to the stores. We want to…
WWF’s Green Colonialism (2023). Short found footage documentary that puts WWF’s human rights abuses into context by explaining the larger issue of green colonialism. I made this video as part of NEW EARTH at the Willem de Kooning Academy. I worked on the theme of…
Going North (2022), 28 pages, 10x14cm. (first edition) and video work (animation). Going North is an interdisciplinary project that has resulted in a publication and a video work. The story is about escapism and surrendering to nature. It was exhibited at Stichting B.A.D. as a…
Oudemirdum, NL (2022), 8 pages, mini zine. 10.5×7.5cm printed on blue paper with white details. Self-published. And video work (animation). Memories and emotions associated with a place are difficult to share with people who have never been there, and even if they have, they may…
NEW WAVE Festival @ Weelde Animation (2022). Mixed analogue and digital animation. I made this animation as a promotional video for the first NEW WAVE session, which I organised myself. The event combined art, skateboarding and music. I invited artists from in and around Rotterdam…