Anti-Fashion Show (2023) by Panos, Ema, Marianna and Nik.
We marched in protest against the fast fashion industry by creating an anti-fashion show. November is a time of overconsumption; holiday shopping and Black Friday send huge numbers of people to the stores. We want to make people aware of the humanitarian and environmental strains of the mass consumption of clothes. We marched through the busy shopping district of Rotterdam. From Korte Lijnbaan to Lijnbaan to Beurstraverse. We have used second-hand clothes to create statement pieces, showing the human rights abuses in garment factories. The price the global south pays for our overconsumption of fashion is outrageous. Not to mention the effects on the environment. We take a stand with garment factory workers all over the world who have been mistreated and will continue to be mistreated unless we change our shopping habits.
Panos Mountrizas: Graphic design and screen printing expert
Ema Baranec: Photographer, screen printer
Marianna Parisi: Protest leader, screen printer
Nik van der Meulen: Videographer, municipilaty contact.